Uprising Page 6
We sat there passing the time as my teeth started to chatter again, Cain pulling me to him tighter, waiting for dawn to make an appearance.
When we think enough time has past, he helps me up and I hobble while he guides me with his arm. I have heard Merrick a few more times since and he still seems angry and worried but always reassuring that he’s coming for me.
We make our way through the darkness to the entrance. I can barely see the glow of morning settling in as we peek out and survey the area. Sky is clear of flying menace and the freezing air carries no sounds.
I immediately start to shiver and my hair is blown erratically from the high winds. We can’t see anything near the store. Too far, so we decide to go ahead and head that way and hope we can make it to them.
After a few yards I see the gun that Cain must have dropped in our escape last night. He picks it up throwing it over his shoulder by the strap and then readjusts me to further lean on his arm, mumbling about how there’s only two shots left.
All right, Sherry. We’re coming. Tell Cain if he’s there with you. You two hold tight wherever you are. Love you, honey.
I feel relief course through me. My leg is killing me though. Throbbing and I can feel and see blood oozing out of the makeshift bandage with every step. Must not be broken after all since I can hobble on it but the pain is nothing to snoot about. Before I even think about complaining I hear a gunshot. I jump and glance at Cain. He looks around to see where it could have come from.
I’m trying to focus on Merrick but also look for a shooter and listen to Cain for instructions and deal with the pain in my leg. I see nothing. We hear another shot. Since I’m paying attention it sounds far away.
“Oh no. It’s them. They must be already outside looking for us. What the heck are they shooting at?” Cain says getting agitated and we begin to walk again.
Then a black blur whips out from behind us to stop about ten feet in our path. Dang it! Can we get a friggin’ break. At this point a Lighter is a Lighter is a Lighter. I’m just sick of them and their horrible timing.
Then a thought. Merrick and them must have seen a Lighter too, maybe this one, or they wouldn’t be shooting.
Cain pulls me behind him and I have to grab the back of his shirt to keep from falling over. I’m so weak and tired. If I have to physically fight, I know I’m done for. Even though Miguel’s classes seem to have been helping.
“So. You think you can keep your little mate away from Crandle?” The Lighter smirks at us. “Oh, wait. You’re not the Keeper. Hmmm. I wonder does your Keeper know you are out canoodling with a mere human, Sherry?”
The sound of my name of the Lighters tongue brings bile to my mouth. I hold it down but say nothing. No point in provoking, especially when I can’t back it up physically. Cain on the other hand...
“Shut it Lighter. Move it or lose it,” he cocks the gun as he barks the order.
“Oh human. You won’t kill me with your blast stick. But even if you could, what I do is for the good of my people, my species. Whether you kill me or not is of no consequence. There will always be another one to take my place, always one to come after you until you surrender. Just give me the girl and I’ll let you die quickly instead of slowly.”
“Not likely.”
“Shame to hear that. For you. For me, I think I’ll rather enjoy this.” And he smiled wickedly as he said it but I thought Merrick and Jeff said only the Taker could show emotion.
Another gunshot rings out and then in a blur the Lighter is gone. I see a line of movement and glance over Cain’s shoulder to see my family. Almost all of them. The ungifted, the Keepers and the Specials alike all marching to our rescue. Guns, baseball bats, sticks and golf clubs in hands. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen!
Still a football field away, I see Merrick start to dart in a blur towards us, stops short.
And then all hell breaks loose.
Merrick - On The Edge
Chapter 4
I woke that morning to find Sherry gone from the pallet. It wasn’t really even morning yet. My watch said 4:30. I wondered what she was doing up. I remembered our long nap and thought maybe she just couldn’t sleep. I was tempted to just let myself fall back asleep but something made me need to get up to check on her.
So I got up, throwing on my discarded jeans but I couldn’t find my t-shirt anywhere so I went without. I walked bare foot into the commons room to find it dark and empty except for Max. He was reading a book in the corner under the overhead lamp. I nodded to him and walked into the dark kitchen. I saw two glasses on the counter. Hmm. Sherry would never leave dishes for someone else to do like that.
I check the bathroom. Empty. Stairs and second room. Empty. Laundry room. Empty. Now I’m getting worried.
No answer. No adorable woman running around the corner to answer my call. I blur to Danny’s room. She must be there. I open the door to find Danny. And Celeste, asleep. At first I think Celeste is naked and start to turn away but I realize her sleep shorts are just that short. She must have given Sherry her ‘modest’ ones.
“Danny,” I bend down and whisper, not wanting to disturb Celeste but I remember what a chore it is to wake this kid up.
Celeste wakes first.
“Merrick? Everything ok?” she creaks, sitting up and looking around.
“Celeste, I can’t find Sherry. I thought she might be in here with Danny but...”
She cleared her throat.
“Well, we’re just sleeping,” she said defensively. “I just sleep in here with him, ok?”
“Celeste, really, it’s none of my business.”
“But you’re his Keeper and I know you try to stop worrying about him but you still do. I know you do. Kay is still a freak about so many things with me.” She looked uncomfortable. “Ok, I may not just sleep in here but I just wanted you to know, I’m not gonna do anything to hurt him, ok? I would marry him if I could! I love him.”
Wow. What a time for a confession.
“Celeste. I appreciate it. Really. And I’m happy that you and Danny are making it work, but Sherry is missing.”
“Sherry is-”
“I heard you! Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” she asked in a high peeved voice.
“I did,” I said exasperatingly and silently cursed sleepy people. “Why else would I come in here?”
“I- whatever,” she says and turns to Danny.
I’m dreading the long process of waking Danny. Sherry has to punch and yell and practically abuse him to get him to cooperate. But...as I watch Celeste, I am fascinated. She leans over him and whispers his name in his ear. Then rubs the back of his neck with her palm in a small massage.
He rouses almost instantly.
My mouth gapes open in surprise. And then turns into a scowl as Danny doesn’t realize I’m here and thinks Celeste is trying wake him up for...other activities.
She pries his hands from her head and leg and pushes him back gently.
“Danny. Baby, Merrick is here,” she said and looked at me with a grin of embarrassment.
“Merrick?” Danny says squinting and sits up with his hair spiked in every direction, rubbing his eyes.
“Sherry’s missing. Have you seen her?” I ask getting more impatient by the second.
“What? No. What do you mean missing? There’s not a lot of places down here she could go, man.”
“I know that. But I’ve checked every place I can think of to look and she’s not here,” I say standing up and turning to leave.
If he doesn’t know where she is, then I have to find someone who does.
“Wait. Merrick, where are you going?” Danny yelled to me.
“To find your sister, Danny,” I yell back and try to call her again in her mind.
Sherry? Sherry?! Come on, honey. I’m getting worried.
No answer.
Just as I’m about to grab Jeff’
s door knob, I hesitate and knock instead. I would want the same courtesy for myself and wouldn’t want to find another Danny and Celeste situation. Then I remember who I’m talking about and snort. Jeff, in bed with someone. A human. Yeah right.
I knock again and he comes and looks surprised to see me.
“Merrick?” he says, coming from his room quickly into the hall and shutting the door with no shirt or shoes on.
“I can’t find Sherry.”
“What do you-”
“Enough of this. Would I really wake you if she were just in the bathroom? I’ve looked everywhere and called her. I’m telling you, she’s not here.”
“Call them. I’ll be right back,” he says quickly and slips back into his room, shutting the door behind him.
I know who he means by ‘them’. He wants me to call all the other Keepers and get them to look where they are for her. All I can think about is her in one of the tons of rooms we have, how many men are present in this bunker and the Phillip incident. My anger growls in my throat just thinking about it. But I can’t think of anyone here who would hurt her.
Sherry. I know you can’t answer me, but if can hear me, send me a signal of some kind if you can. What happened? What-
I can’t help but curse and growl, at the irony of only being able to talk one way when I so need her to answer me, in useless protest of it all. So I call the others.
Sorry to wake everyone but Sherry is missing and yes, I’ve already looked in the normal places. I’ve called to her with no answer. Can I get you to come and help me look for her? Please, ask your charges if anyone has seen her.
I walk back into the commons room and Max is already up and moving, heading upstairs to the store to check, though I know Sherry would not be sitting up in the store. Then Simon comes through the hall with others behind him.
“Cain is missing too,” Simon says and looks about as irritated and distressed as I feel. “I don’t know where they are but we’ve got to go look for them. The only place we haven’t looked is...outside. There’s got to be a reason for this. Cain wouldn’t put Sherry in danger. We need to head up and look around. See if we can find something.”
“Agreed,” I say gruffly and quickly relay to Sherry.
Sherry, please. I’m dying here. Gah, I wish I knew where you were! I assume that Cain is with you. I hope he is... Unless he’s the one who... I’d kill him. I have no idea what happened but don’t be scared, honey. If nothing else just hear my voice and know I’m coming for you. We’re heading out right now to come look for you two. I love you. Stay out of danger. I’ll find you. I promise.
I have no idea the where or why of the situation. Why is Cain not here? Where would they have gone? If I were a human man, would I think they’d run off together? But these aren’t exactly circumstances to run away together during. He hasn’t made any passes at her that I’m aware of. But every man does fall in love with her to some extent. Heck even Miguel and Jeff love her. Gah! This is making me crazy.
“Ok. Let’s-” I start but am interrupted.
“Merrick!” Max intruded, blurring down the stairs. “Markers. Everywhere.”
I run, I don’t care who’s behind me but I feel the bodies blur with mine. When I reach the back door I see them in the dark. Oh God in heaven! They are at least...fifty, maybe more. Never in my entire existence have I seen such a thing. There is no way we’d make it. Oh no! No!
“Sherry!” I yelled but hear only beating wings and screeches.
“Merrick, come on. We can’t. You know we can’t!” Jeff says pulling me back in the door and slamming it behind us. I feel numb. I let him push me back and I fall into the wall. “Merrick. Snap out of it!” He kneels in front of me. “Brother?”
He gets up and leaves. I sit there in my trance. I can’t believe it. She could be out there right now and I’d never reach her. She could be dead already if she went out there. I want to move but my body, this human body just shuts down.
Danny comes to kneel in front of me in the stock room on the floor where Jeff left me. I barely notice him. I can still hear them screeching outside, laughing at me and my weakness.
“Merrick,” he starts. “Sherry needs you, man. You’ve got to get up. We’ve got to get ready.” I don’t move. He pushes my chest forcefully and grabs my shirt front. “Merrick. I know, ok! I know how it is. It’s Sherry. She’s fragile. I get it. I’m worried too. Worried sick but we aren’t going to get her back by sulking on the floor. Get up,” he growled and when I pushed his hands away he continued. “You’ve been talking to her, I know you have. Tell her. Tell her you’re coming to get her as soon as we can.”
I look up to him and see the determination on his face. He’s right. What am I doing? This isn’t like me. I’m letting my human grief override my sense. Sitting here will do no good. I nod and grab his shoulder.
“Thanks, Danny. Ok. Ok,” I answer quickly and close my eyes for one more try to Sherry.
Sherry, if you can still hear me, listen. We can’t come look for you yet. There are Markers everywhere, I’ve never seen so many in all my years. At least fifty, all in one place. That’s just...unheard of. It’s still dark. But first thing in the morning, we’re coming. It’s right at 5:00 so about an hour and a half. Hang on, baby, I’m coming. God I hope you can hear me. I love you.
I can hear my real voice crack and strangle. Danny extends a hand to me on the floor as I open my eyes. We make our way downstairs to gather with the others. As I descend the stairs I see a sea of angry and determined faces. Our group is ready for news and ready to do damage. Jeff had filled them in on everything.
“You understand there are Makers. More Markers than you have ever seen before and I have no doubt there will be Lighters too. You understand how dangerous this is, don’t you?” I ask. I need them to know what we’re up against.
“This is Sherry, Merrick. And Cain. There’s no question. As soon as the sun hits that horizon, we are going after them,” Danny answers in a growl and crosses his arms to stop the shaking fury in his hands.
I can feel my head start to buzz with that familiar sting at his words. At him going out to fight and me not protecting him, but I try to push it down.
“Absolutely,” Ryan agrees.
“Well, we’ve got to do something,” Trudy chimes and they all start in on a plan, a course of action but I’m afraid there’s only one way.
Hand to hand combat. A fist fight with evil.
We wait and plot and plan. Finally the times comes. We takes our stakes and irons and bats and whatever else we could find and head up the stairs in a precession of Keepers, Specials, and normals who have no freaking idea what to do but won’t be told to stay put. Not for Sherry. I want to hug them all for their loyalty and then yell at them for their stupidity.
I see the sun and look to the sky, knowing I’ll see it empty of Markers, and I do. I call to her once more.
All right, Sherry. We’re coming. Tell Cain if he’s there with you. You two hold tight wherever you are. Love you, honey.
But then I notice something else...Lighters. Like I expected. Two zoom past but don’t touch anyone, don’t even really get close. Pap fires off a shot and Jeff yells at him to conserve his rounds. I’m not sure what the Lighters are trying to accomplish. Then I scan the field. And see her.
My heart jumps. She’s standing, that’s a good sign. I can barely see her outline and Cain’s way out past the field and almost to the old caves that are back there that Max told me about before. Aha! I bet that’s where they were. But why?
One Small Step For Man.
Chapter 5
All at once, a fleet of Lighters take center between us. A quick count shows eight. This is crazy. What are they all doing here? Can Lighters talk to each other the way Keepers do and they told the others I’m here? That we’re here? This can’t be about me. This is about us, being here. Too many of us together. If that was true, why didn’t Crandle just come himself? Unless he’s sc
ared of a battle. Maybe he can be killed like the rest of them can.
They form a line to expand the gap between Cain and I and our rescuers. Red Rover Red Rover is all I can think about through the burning and throbbing pain in my leg and wanting desperately to get to Merrick and see Danny safe. I can see him now, across the expanse of field, standing with the others to fight. I swallow hard at the thought of that but I know Merrick will keep him safe, if he can.
The Lighters don’t move, they must have had a plan of some sort because they seem to have formation and discipline to stand their ground. They watch, some facing us some facing the others. Then the one in the middle gets my attention by waving a few fingers at me in a menacingly friendly wave.
I gasp and recoil, pull myself back behind Cain out of instinct, fisting my hands in his shirt back. As much as I thought it didn’t bother me, my almost rape, seeing him brings it all back in a flood of glimpses and flashes. Images of fists tugging, bruising hands, hard lips.
I start to shake, breathing heavy and close my eyes,
trying to block the pictures from my mind. I can actually feel his hot sticky breath on my neck. The pain in my shoulders from my arms being over extended by his hard grasp. The jolt of flaming nerves in my back from being pushed into the counter edge. His hard, uncaring hands wrapped around my arms, bruising me. Kissing me, punishing.
It takes me a minute of near hyperventilation to regain my composure and to even realize that Phillip’s body is really out there - with them. The Lighters. No longer one of us...and we are going to have to kill him.
I glance up to look for Mrs. Trudy but she isn’t there and I send up a silent ‘thank you’ that she won’t have to witness the death of her son.