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Uprising Page 5
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Page 5
He nods and heads back to the commons room. Mrs. Trudy is dishing out portions on plates and Kay is putting ice in glasses. I help with silverware and everyone lines up. We eat and then people start to head into their own rooms.
After checking on Ryan and giving him another quick but deep massage, for which he swore worked wonders, and then replacing the heating rice sock with an ice pack, I catch Jeff to see how things went today.
“It went great. No problems or hitches. We got everything on the list and then some. We’ll do the same thing next week. It was pretty cold out though. Really cold.”
Jeff also explained who went with who and where before turning in for the night.
Later that night, I had a steamy encounter with Merrick, which he totally instigated by continually kissing and nipping the nape of my neck. He knows how it drives me crazy.
He is sound asleep now and snoring that little barely there wisp of a snore he does. I can’t sleep. I slept too long on my nap and am now wide awake. I try to creep easily out of the covers, Merrick’s arm tightening protectively over me. I pat his arm and manage to slide out. I grab his shirt and throw it on along with my sleep pants and pad my bare feet to the kitchen.
Cain is already there and makes me jump as I see him move in the shadows, leaning against the counter with his hip. He looked restless. His hair was tousled from a fit with a pillow and his t-shirt and flannel pants were wrinkled.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, drinking what looks to be a glass of milk.
“It’s ok. Can’t sleep?” I ask grabbing a glass for myself.
“Nah. I haven’t really slept good in years. You either?”
“Well some of us had nothing to do today so, I slept the day away with Lily,” I said laughing.
“Well, that’s makes it ok then,” he said smiling widely.
“I guess. It just doesn’t seem fair that I’m always stuck here being useless.”
“The men are supposed to go out and bring home the bacon, right?” he said with a wispy laugh.
“Yeah, but this isn’t about women, Kay and Laura went. It’s about me. I’m short and have a tendency to get into trouble so people think I’m gonna break or something and won’t let me do anything.”
“You should be happy about that,” he said softly. “You have people to take care of you, who look after you. A lot of people don’t these days.”
“True.” I sighed. “You’re right. How did it go today?”
“Great. This crew you got here is a hoot, for sure. Especially Jeff and Miguel. Bunch of characters. But they’re great.”
“Yeah, they are. I love them like my own family,” I have no idea why I admitted it to him but I did.
“I can see that. I’m really glad I met you.”
His eyes were so sincere I looked away.
“Yeah. Me too,” I answered softly and fumbled for something else to say.
“Thanks for inviting us to come down here. It’ll be good for Pap and Maggie to be around other people. I was beginning to wonder who was gonna shoot who first,” he said laughing and I did too.
“No problem. We love it when new people come. It’s like Christmas. We spend half our efforts trying to work it out for others to be able to come live with us. I’m sure Jeff showed you the halls. Those are his babies.” I laugh but we both still at a noise.
This scratching noise. Cain must hear it too because he cocks his head to the side. Then a whimpering. It’s muffled but seems to be coming from outside. We normally don’t hear much from outside. We look at each other.
“What is that?” I ask, setting my glass down.
“You hear it too? Good. I’m not crazy with sleep deprivation. Sounds like...somebody crying.”
“Yeah it does. Let’s go check it out,” I say but before I can leave the kitchen he grabs my arm.
“Hey, hold on. You’re not going outside to check out anything.”
Before I can argue it get’s louder. More desperate. And then we hear the word that sets both our feet to motion.
Cain releases me and runs past me to the staircase. I follow and slip on my tennis shoes by the wall as he unlatches the door. I wanted to run and get Merrick but thought it might be too late and whoever it was would be gone or worse so I just ran.
Once topside we venture cautiously to the back door of the store and he eases it open to peek outside. The cold blast of wind hurts my face but I push him forward in anticipation. Our clothing option wasn’t a good choice. Both wearing pajama pants and t-shirts with tennis shoes. Jeff was right, it was freezing.
The whimpering continues and we look across the back yard and somehow in the darkness see a man standing out in the middle, stiff.
It was then I realized that Cain had grabbed the gun by the door, up over the doorway so the kids can’t reach. He points it at the figure and yells for them to say something as we continue to make a slow inching path toward him. Further and further away from the store and closer to the unmoving and unspeaking figure.
“Wait, wait. Something’s not right, Cain,” I whisper, grabbing his arm to halt him.
“I know. It looks like a trap. Run back, Sherry. Run to the-” he was cut off by something hitting him to the ground from behind. Before I could turn a horrible pain ran through the front of my leg, my shin. Stabbing, forceful and knocking me over to the ground next to Cain.
We landed hard in the sand and rocks and I immediately turned over to see the man standing over us. How had he gotten behind us so fast? No. There was someone else with him. A Lighter. They were both Lighters.
He continued to stand there, looking down at us. Cain put his arm protectively over top me and tried to sit up but the Lighter put his foot in Cain’s chest to pushed him back down.
“Stupid humans,” was the figures first words to us. He cocked his head before starting again. “So gullible. That was all it took to get you out here?” he said almost sounding as if he wanted to laugh. “I knew there were resisting humans in there. I could smell your stupidity.”
All of a sudden he seemed to glow, emitting enough light for us to see his face and him to see ours. He gasped.
“You!” he yelled, looking right at me and pointing a glowing finger. “You belong to Crandle!”
Then his head jerked and he flew backward into the sand. My ears were ringing and muffled sounds of Cain yelling at me to get up were coming to me. I realized Cain had shot the Lighter and was now pulling me up to run.
We turned to see the other Lighter, glowing as well, and Cain gasped and squinted his eyes before making a distressed grunt, hesitating. I’d have to ask him about that later.
“Cain. How nice to see you again,” the Lighter said, dripping with sarcasm.
How did he know Cain’s name?
Cain lifted the shotgun steadily and pointed at the Lighter’s face, right as he ascended with inhuman speed to stop in front of us.
The trigger pulled and the Lighter flung backward and twisted to land hard with a disgusting thud in the sand. We turned to run back to the store but I couldn’t. The pain in my leg made me collapse and then the arm pain took over me even more so than before.
The familiar pin prickles.
I knew what was coming but had to see for myself. As I looked up to the sky towards home I hear the beating of wings and then the familiar screech. Though I couldn’t see them in the dark, it sounded like dozens of them.
The more the merrier, the more of them the more intense the pain was and it literally took my breath. I tried again to get up but at once dropped to my knees, shaking and crying, grabbing my shoulder, writhing in intense spasms. Cain didn’t waste time arguing or asking questions, thankfully. He lifted me with ease and threw me over his shoulder as he ran the opposite way of the store, the opposite way of the massive amount of Markers headed for us.
I must have blacked out. I woke up lying on the ground with Cain huddled behind me, rubbing his hand up and down my bare
arm to warm me. It was musky, humid and pitch black. My whole body ached and stung and I was so cold, my teeth were chattering and my lips and fingers felt numb.
The floor was hard. I blew out a swift breath as realization took me and I remembered what we had just encountered. We were alive, somehow, and Cain had carried me somewhere. He stiffened as he realized I was awake.
“Sherry? Ah, thank God. Are y-you ok?” he said, sounding way too worried, his teeth chattering.
I turned, even though it hurt so bad, to face him. I couldn’t help thinking how highly inappropriate this was, lying on the floor, face to face, bodies pressed together and legs intertwined, his hands running over me.
Sounds romantic but it was anything but. We were both shaking so violently and his freezing ice cold hand was doing absolutely nothing to warm me but I figured it made him feel better to try so I didn’t say anything. We were too cold to even think about it being a compromising situation. Too close to it being something else way more morbid.
It felt like death. A slow painful death that was swiftly approaching. I finally mustered up the nerve to ask him, though I didn’t think I’d like the answer.
“What happened? W-where are w-we?” I chattered, wrapping my arm around his waist, not even asking for permission.
“There’s a cliff,” he said wrapping his arms around me too, “and some old caves a w-ways back from the s-store. I ran with you and hid in one. We’ll have to w-wait it out until morning.” I could feel his jaw shaking on my head as I was tucked under his chin. “You passed out,” he continued. “The Lighter must have thrown a rock or something at you. You’re leg looks horrible. Might be b-b-broken.”
I remembered the pain in my leg now. I also remembered the Lighter has recognized me. Crandle must have sent them all the image of me. Merrick was right. It would have been trouble for me to go on the trip with them yesterday.
“I can’t even feel it,” I stammered. “Too c-cold.”
“That’s probably the only good thing right now. We c-can’t leave. I still hear them out there screeching and yelling every now and then.”
“How did you see my leg in here?”
I hear him jingle something from his shirt pocket, he pulls out his key chain and turns on the little keyhole light on the end of the ring. It barely illuminates between us and he quickly turns it off to save it in case we need it.
“C-Cain. I...I don’t know. I feel like I’m dying already. Are we even going to make it until m-morning?”
“I t-tied off your leg with the pull string strap from my pants. If we can just keep as w-warm as possible until then-” As he spoke I immediately pulled him to me even closer as if that would some how be the answer to our survival.
He wrapped tighter around me too.
“I’m sorry, Sherry. I s-should never have let you come with me,” he said like it was a confession.
“N-no. It wasn’t your fault. I s-should’ve woken Merrick like I had wanted to but...I was the one who pushed you out the door, remember?”
“Merrick is not gonna be happy with me.”
I had to chuckle a little at that despite the situation.
“You mean for my getting hurt or for us laying all over each other, lounging around laughing on some romantic w-warm getaway somewhere?” I said, trying to lighten the mood.
I feel him chuckle.
“Either one,” he said and then laughed again.
I’ve heard that you can’t feel defeated and give up when it looks hopeless. So I joke. You have to fight it, you can’t give in so I wanna try to make the most of what little coherency I have left.
We must have fallen asleep somehow after that. When your body gets so cold it starts to shut down. Your heart rate slows and so does your breathing, trying to preserve your energy. It does this against your will, I guess that’s the only reason we fell asleep.
I awaken some time later with a voice in my mind. Merrick!
I wait. Counting the seconds. Then minutes.
Sherry? Sherry?! Come on, honey. I’m getting worried.
I’m so ecstatic to hear him. He must be looking for me around the bunker. A few more minutes pass and then again, I hear him.
Sherry. I know you can’t answer me, but if can hear me, send me a signal of some kind if you can. What happened? What-
I actually heard him mutter a few curses and then say something about his stupid gift only being one way communication.
Sherry, please. I’m dying here, baby. Gah, I wish I knew where you were! I assume that Cain is with you. I hope he is... Unless he’s the one who... I’d kill him. I have no idea what happened but don’t be scared, honey. If nothing else just hear my voice and know I’m coming for you. We’re heading out right now to come look for you two. I love you. Stay out of danger. I’ll find you. I promise.
Oh no! They’ll probably head into town instead of back here and crazy Jeff and Merrick’s tempers will get them caught. Ah! Merrick’s right. This stupid one way communication is useless! But it was so good to hear his voice.
I realize my teeth aren’t chattering nearly as much anymore but it’s still insanely cold and dark. I can’t know if it’s morning yet or not. I reluctantly try to wake Cain, not wanting to disturb him if he can still sleep but, I guess we need to see what time it is.
Merrick must have woken up early and went to look for me when I wasn’t there with him. Then woke everyone else when he couldn’t find me, then they noticed Cain was missing too. Maybe we can head off the search party before they leave to get themselves killed.
I scratch Cain’s arm lightly to wake him and he stirs, pulls out his keychain light.
“Hey. Are you ok?” he says groggily as he squints to look at me.
“Yeah but I can hear Merrick. He says they are going out to look for us.”
“Hmmm. I wonder if it’s daylight yet. I moved us back far in figuring we’d be safer. Let me go check. Stay here, I’ll be right back,” he stated as he began to unlock himself from my grasp.
The thought of being left alone in the complete darkness of a cave with no light and no weapon to defend myself and a hurt leg to boot was terrifying. I grabbed his arm and clung to him.
“Please, don’t leave me alone,” I said but felt ashamed of my initial reaction and quickly try to recover. “I... I know you need to go look but...ok. Ok. I know. Just hurry. Please,” I said as I slowly talked myself into it.
“I won’t go if you don’t want me to. We can just wait here and see.”
The thought of Merrick or Jeff or Ryan or Danny getting hurt or worse because I was afraid to let Cain go signal them was even more unbearable that the silent dark.
“No. It’s ok. Just hurry, please,” I pleaded breathlessly.
He got up easy and slow, laying my leg back down with ease and now that I had thawed out just a little bit, I was beginning to feel the sting and throb of the wound.
“I’ll be right back. I promise.” He touched my cheek briefly then I could hear his swift footsteps as he ran with the minuscule light from his key chain making small rings on the ground in front of him.
The cave was total darkness. No sound. I couldn’t even hear Cain anymore. The utter silence and darkness was unnerving and everywhere. I tried to keep it together but it was unraveling my self control. I could feel the shaking starting again, and not just from being cold with Cain’s body heat being gone.
Then my angel.
Sherry, if you can still hear me, listen. We can’t come look for you yet. There are Markers everywhere, I’ve never seen so many in all my years. At least fifty, all in one place. That’s just...unheard of. It’s still dark. But first thing in the morning, we’re coming. It’s right at 5:00 so about an hour and a half. Hang on, baby, I’m coming. God I hope you can hear me. I love you.
Miraculously as soon as Merrick finished, Cain’s footsteps sound in my ear and relief sweeps over me. They both save me from my panic attack and don’t even know it.
nbsp; “Still dark,” he said gloomily.
“I know. Merrick. He said they’ll be leaving in an hour and a half. It’s about 5:00 am.”
“Ok. Well we’ll leave the second the suns hits the horizon and try to catch them,” he said, seeming reluctant to sit back down.
I feel around and my hand catches the cave wall above my head. I slide myself up towards it, wanting to sit up and lean. Cain hears me shuffling around and flashes me with his light.
“Wait. Let me help you,” he said lifting me under my arms and settling me back against the wall. “How’s the leg?” he asked, bending on his haunches down to inspect it.
“I can feel it some now. Even though it’s still freezing in here.”
“You want me to sit with you?” he asked tentatively.
He flicked off his light and settled down beside me pulling me under his arm. He was warm but no where near the warmth of Merrick. He didn’t seem to be struggling with the cold as much as me anymore. I wonder if it’s because I’d lost so much blood from my leg.
Both of our knees were drawn up, with me extending my bad leg and leaning my good leg on his, we huddled there and talked about nothing and everything. Families, famous people we’d met, past girlfriends or boyfriends. Anything to keep our minds busy.
He explained that Pap and Maggie were not his real grandparents but since his parents were gone and he had no other family, he took in his neighbors, them, as his own. He also told me that the Lighter he’d seen outside had been Josh’s father. He said he was twenty six years old, which surprised me, he didn’t look that old. He’d been engaged once but she’d cheated on him, with her boss. The old lawyer and his secretary travesty.
Then I told him about Merrick and me, he especially found it fascinating that Merrick had somehow haphazardly chosen Matt’s, my ex’s, body. I told him I’d met Arnold Schwarzenegger on an assignment for the paper one time. He was an incredibly nice guy but scarily huge. He thought my childhood and parents were by far the most hilarious thing. Hippies.