Uprising Page 4
Katie, holding Sky, comes up to me.
“I know you think Marissa is ok and all now but, you might want to keep Lily away from her, just in case. She seems very interested in her.”
I was a little shocked to say the least. I didn’t think Katie was like that but I guess becoming a mom turns you pretty protective.
“It’s fine, Katie. But thanks for your concern. I promise you, Marissa isn’t a threat to us. You guys don’t have to be scared of her.”
“I know, but it’s still scary to think that at any time she could just...make us do whatever she wanted, that’s all. I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Before I could answer she walked away, swaying the baby. I look over at Marissa and she’s watching me with a small thankful smile. I realize, she heard what Katie said about her. I feel bad.
Everyone is so worried about Marissa turning on us. I decide to show my support. I believe in Marissa completely. I take Lily over and we sit right next to Marissa. Lily in my lap.
“Lily, why don’t you sit with Marissa for a minute while I go get you some juice, hmm?” I said loudly.
“Tell her all about Miley.”
“Ok!” she said happily.
I set her on Marissa’s lap and get up, leaving them alone on the couch and some people staring after me like I’ve just detonated a bomb. I just smiled and lifted my eyebrows in silent challenge to them. No one said anything.
I stayed gone for a little while, folding a load of laundry first and then I came back with Lily’s juice, she ran right to me. I picked her up and ran my hand down her wealth of golden hair and looked at Marissa. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ to me and I nodded and smiled.
Then risked a glance at Merrick. He’s glancing back and forth between me and Jeff, with a smile while answering Jeff’s question about Calvin. Even though Merrick’s smile is dazzling, that comment get’s my attention.
Trudy takes Lily from me at my reluctant request. She says she’s going to take a nap with her for a while. It’s Marissa’s turn to cook. So I walk over to the discussion and Merrick reaches up to pull me down into his lap.
I stretch out, leaning against his chest with my back and letting my legs fit in between his in length. He wraps his arms around mine over my chest and I sigh at the feeling of being home. So warm.
I listen intently and hear Jeff going on again about Calvin.
“I’m not sure what Crandle, as he calls himself, can want with him. Or Lily for that matter.” Jeff’s tone was less than pleased. He sounded flat mad. “Why would he want specific Specials and then someone who isn’t Special.“ He looked over at me apologetically. “Sorry. You know what I mean. I don’t know what he would have to gain from it. Unless he devours them. But then, what does he want with Sherry? I mean, he was human at one point so, maybe he just has the desire to have a...family? I don’t understand all this.” He put his head in his hands in defeat, letting the others steers the conversation.
Ryan spoke next.
“Well, he told Sherry he needs her for balance. Not Calvin and Lily, he just said they were important. Maybe he thinks by joining with Sherry, his opposite, he can...I don’t know but, I think he’s just using Lily and Calvin to get to her knowing that she cares about them,” Ryan said but his frown made me think maybe he didn’t believe any of it.
“In my other dream, he told me to bring him Calvin. He didn’t say anything about me being his...mate, last time,” I announced remembering that I hadn’t brought it up earlier and everyone turned to look at me.
“He did? Well...that might change some things or nothing at all. I don’t know what to think. For right now, we need to just be sure we keep Calvin and Lily safe. And you,” Merrick tightened his grip on me as he spoke. “We’ll need to start rotating with someone to keep watch at night. Someone to also sit in the store during the day with Margo and Paul. I’d hate them to grab them and use them as bait or ransom. Sherry, Lily nor Calvin can leave the bunker anymore.”
“Well, about that,” I start, looking at Cain. “Cain and I had an idea on how to help out with the food shortage that is coming. Cain, why don’t you go ahead and tell them.”
He spilled the whole idea, me breaking in to add my two cents every now and then. Once we were done, everyone was nodding their heads in agreement. Except Merrick.
“That’s a good plan, Sherry. But you’re not going.” He held up his hand to stop my protest. “I know you think you have to do this but, he knows who you are and you’re wanting to go back to the same spot you saw him in the first place? I don’t think so, Sherry. No.”
“But there’s only so few of us that aren’t Specials or Keepers who can go. We need all the hands we can get. At least for tomorrow,” I said pleading, knowing his answer but feeling the need to state my case anyway.
I sat up straight for even more emphasis.
“Honestly. I don’t think it even matters anymore Sherry, about the Specials being out nor the Keepers. We can hide our marks with the makeup you bought. Things are different now.”
“No, Sherry. I mean it this time. No pouting eyes.”
I chuckle humorlessly, which he scowls at.
“But he can already come to me in my dreams any time he wants. Are you not gonna let me sleep either?” I counter.
I can tell by his tone he really means business so I surrender. I guess he’s right but I hate being left behind while the others are forced to do all the work.
I concur with a sigh and rest back against him again. He seems relieved, like he expected me to fight or pout endlessly until I got my way. I have to smile at that. But then I frown. Am I really that difficult?
Do I seem like I always get my way or pitch a fit if I don’t? Am I a hissy fit kind of girl? I’d never thought so before.
He peeks around to see me frowning.
I said no pouting.
His tone is sympathetic not demanding.
“I’m not.” I bite my lip. “Am I difficult?” I whisper in his ear and I hear him chuckle in my mind and then rubs my arms to warm me.
No. You’re not difficult. I just have this tendency to give you whatever you want. And in this case, I just can’t do that, honey. I know you want to help, that’s just how you are. But I can’t let you. Not this time. Thank you for letting it go. Besides, someone’s got to be here with Lily and Calvin. You want to be here with them don’t you?
I turn my face to him as he presses a kiss to my temple. I understand that he means everyone will be leaving tomorrow, leaving me to hold down the fort. I assume they’ll leave someone here to guard us, and I am certain that at least one of those will be Merrick. It may not be so bad after all.
Marissa’s chicken pot pie was divine. She said it was the only thing she knew how to make completely from scratch. Jeff seemed to dote on it and her for a good while after we finished and Kay and Laura started the dishes. Mrs. Trudy made coffee and I helped her dole it out to those who wanted it.
Some of us were interested in where the others came from, originally. It turned out people were from all over. Aaron was from Utah and was about the only non-Mormon in his home town, he told us. Josh was from Missouri, St. Louis and had been on a full scholarship to play for the Missouri Tigers. In fact, he proudly still sported a different Mizzou t-shirt almost daily.
We learned that Racine found her body in Arizona, that explains the leather skin. Mean, I know, but it wasn’t really her body, therefore not her fault that the chick before her had stayed in the sun all day, and I didn’t say it out loud. Then, Mike said he was from all over. He traveled with his job but had been in Missouri when things went bad.
Then Miguel. Oh Miguel. Josh and Danny got him started and he was happy to oblige their millions of questions about Australia.
“So, where are you from?” Danny asked excitedly. “Southern Territory?”
“Heck no mate. I ain’t n
o crow eater. I’m from a little town in the North, called Humpty Doo,” Miguel answered with gusto.
“You’re pulling our leg,” Danny said but scooted to the edge of the couch to listen further.
“I’ve never really understood that expression, but no. I’m not pulling your leg.” He laughed. “That’s really the name and it’s a really small but nice place with only a few thousand residents. But they had everything we needed. I really miss it there.”
“Is that where your parents are?” Josh asked softly.
“Nah. The oldies passed away before I left. That’s the reason I came stateside. They died in an accident. A car accident on their anniversary trip. So, I had no other relatives, I was the last of the Walker family left in Humpty Doo and I was an only child. I’d heard that martial arts was big here, in the U.S. and I figured I could come here and make a nice quid.”
“What’s that?” I asked, loving hearing him talk just as much as the others.
“Quid? Means money, love,” he said and winked at me. “So anyway, I met my wife there, at the studio I opened. Highway robbery, the commercial rent on Wilshire Boulevard I tell you, only three clicks from Beverly Hills. But I’m glad I did it. I met Rhonda there. She came in for self defense lessons, she’d been mugged a couple weeks before. I didn’t offer self defense then because I didn’t really have time to add a class for it but one look at her and I gave her a time and posted a sign up sheet for a class, just so she’d come back.”
He smiled wistfully, remembering, he kinda looked off towards the wall as he spoke.
“She did come back too. And so did twenty five other girls that first night of class.” We all laughed. “I completely screwed myself over, had to hire two new instructors to help me with the load and was never home but, like I said, it was worth it. She was beautiful. Got no idea what she saw in a bushy like me.” He cleared his throat and looked back at us. “So anyway, that’s the story. We left when we realized what was happening. I found Josh there in Missouri, that’s as far as my wife and I got by ourselves. He was in a convenience store, stealing power bars. I figured he must be in a bad way, just like we were. We got to talking and sure enough, he took us to the rest of them. And here we are.”
“Yep. He was one scary dude,” Josh said, animated. “I thought he was coming to accost me for stealing and instead he says, “Bog into the peanut butter ones mate. Those are the best”. He scared the crap out of me.”
Josh did a perfect Australian accent for Miguel’s quote and we all laughed some more as they bantered back and forth on how it was.
We continued on.
Max’s body was from here actually, as was Trudy and Phillip. Jeff had gotten his body from Kentucky, where Bobby had been from. Marissa said she was originally from Tennessee and had traveled this way with her Keeper.
She had been a high school counselor before this. I found that a little hard to see but, if the shoe fits. Pap, Maggie and Cain are from the town here. Cain moved away to live with his dad in middle school and moved back after he got out of the Marines. His mom passed away and his dad left.
Danny told everyone our little story. He told them all about how our parents were hippies, about how we grew up and all the funny stuff we were forced to do but left most of the recent details out, for which I was grateful for. Everyone laughed hysterically, but it was hard not to with Danny telling the story.
I’d see Merrick nod or smile or frown at certain parts. Reliving them with us.
Trudy was fascinated that I had worked at a tabloid magazine. I tried to explain that it wasn’t but she then claimed that she had heard about it and actually read a few copies that she got at the grocery. There was no more denying it. The proof is in the pages.
A little bit later on, Lily sat in my lap on the floor with Calvin to my left and Merrick to my right, coffee in his hand and he actually brought it to his lips to sip it. I turned and smiled at him.
Yeah... It’s growing on me.
I chuckle a little and turn back to the movie we are watching in the corner in the second room on our newly acquired portable five inch DVD player, courtesy of the newbies. We’re watching a cartoon with toys that talk and are chasing their beloved child across the country.
The kids think it’s hilarious and burst out laughing on more than one occasion. I’m just thankful to have even this small sense of normalcy for them.
Calvin got up to take a quick bathroom break and when he returned he sat next to Merrick instead. Mimicking Merrick’s folded arms and crossed legged position. Merrick and I exchanged an amused glance. I’ve never asked nor heard anything about Calvin’s father. I imagine that it wasn’t something they wanted to talk about or they would have so I don’t bring it up now either.
Later, as the credits rolled, Merrick takes Lily from me as even with her small weight it’s nearly impossible for me to lift myself off the floor with her. She had fallen asleep at the very end.
He held her, his arm under her bottom and the other hand behind her head on his shoulder. Swaying back and forth. Calvin attempts to help me up in true gentlemanly fashion with a hand out. I swing my arm over his shoulders as we retreat to the commons room. Clock says 8:45pm.
Calvin heads to go find Frank after thanking me for watching a movie with him. I watch Merrick as he eases back carefully out of the Lily’s room after laying her down, slightly leaving the door cracked.
I sit by Danny who is rubbing his neck as Merrick went to grab another cup of coffee.
I turn Danny by his shoulders and he already knows what I’m doing and smiles gratefully. As I begin to squeeze my hands on his neck and massage his shoulder he drops his head forward. It’s been too long since I’ve done this for him. Danny was always my biggest customer, or mooch. Whatever. He was my biggest bragger too.
As I worked my thumbs into his neck tendons, I listened to their, not my, plans for the grocery trip the next morning. They were going to go to several different stop and shops and the grocery store, the regular joes. The Keepers are gonna go with them and be van packers and lookouts, maybe do one more call out to other Keepers since we’re getting short on time. Merrick, of course, is staying behind as our bodyguard along with Ryan.
Later, Trudy and I made a list of the can foods we could think of getting the most of, for the best and more plentiful recipes, along with non food items such as toilet paper. I put on there to get children’s Tylenol and Band-Aids not remembering seeing any in the medicine cabinet, just in case.
We have little ones to think of now.
When It Rains It Pours
Chapter 3
The next day, everyone that is supposed to leave leaves and I clean and do laundry and play Spoons and War with Ryan and Calvin and snuggle with Lily and snuggle with Merrick.
I made grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone and endured more of Ryan’s doting on my cooking. I tried to explain there was no way to mess up grilled cheese but he wouldn’t concede.
Merrick, Lily and I even took a nap together that early afternoon, all spooned together on the big bed in the second room. It was a sweet perfect normal day.
While we were still sleeping they arrived back home and must have called Merrick in his mind to help them. He pushed my hair back and kissed my neck, whispered that they were back and he was going to help but for me to stay and rest with Lily. Before I knew it I was out again, waking later to the smell of fried chicken and mashed potatoes.
When I stirred on the bed Lily immediately shot up, feeling my movement, reaching for me. I grabbed her up and we went to see Mrs. Trudy, cooking up a storm and everyone else happily and safely sitting in the commons room. Lana signed me a ‘good afternoon’ greeting in sign language, your flat palm to your mouth and then out, then a hand to your elbow with your other hands straight up, and smiled, which I smiled and returned the sign.
Lily and I walked side by side into the commons room. To my surprise and delight, as soon as he spotted us Merrick reached for Lily and she went happily t
o his arms outstretched for her. Giggling as he tickled her. My heart flipped.
I saw Jeff looking on them too with a fascinated and understanding smile on his face. He caught my gaze and our smiles broadened. I shake my head to throw it off.
I freeze for a second, not knowing this voice in my mind. The mind voice is different than the Keepers bodies voice. I look around, praying beyond prayers that it wasn’t Phillip. I see Ryan giving me a knowing wave. Ryan has never spoken to me in my mind before so of course I wouldn’t know what his voice sounded like. I exhale and smile.
It’s just me. Sorry I scared you. Uh...you think you might could...give my shoulder a rub? It’s bothering me pretty bad after all that unloading and stacking. I’ve already taken something, a couple white pills Mrs. Trudy gave me but it doesn’t seem to be working.
I nod and motion my head toward the kitchen and he follows me in. Must be pretty bad for a Keeper to ask for something for pain. Mrs. Trudy continues her cooking as Kay helps, looking over her shoulder and listens to the explanation of what she’s doing, step by step.
I rub his shoulder for a few minutes, working some of the stiffness out. He wasn’t kidding. I could feel all his muscles bunched and twitching. He groaned when I pressed in my thumbs and it didn’t sound like a good groan.
I grabbed a sock and filled it with rice, throw it in the microwave for half a minute and place it lightly on Ryan’s shoulder, over his shirt. He winces.
“Sorry. Keep this here, on your shoulder like that for about twenty minutes, then I’ll rub it some more for you in a bit, ok? That’s not too hot is it?” I ask pressing my hand to it making him wince again.
“It’s fine. Thanks, Sherry. I feel like such a whiner.”
“No, you’re not! This body is breakable, Ryan. It takes time to heal. Rest is the best thing for it. You’ll feel better in no time, if you’ll let me help you. Just don’t wait to ask if you need something, ok?”